Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MEN: Not always the Player type

There is a 100 percent chance that if you talk about "cheating" to a girl, she is most likely going to say that all guys are players, and are not to be trusted. In reality this is not true, this 'saying' or 'quote' should never come out of someones mouth, Unless you've dated EVERY guy in the world, and not ONE worked out...then yes...but other than that NO. All guys are not players, there are many passionate fellas out there roaming the universe. Maybe every woman who says that are not looking in the right locations. First off, going to the club is definitely not going to find you a guy who is not a player. Maybe if women stop searching for "the right one," and let "the right one" come to them, then they will meet a guy who isn't a player, and one who actually cares about falling in love. Ladies, I understand your heart has been played with thousands of times until the point you keep a cage around your heart with every guy you meet. But keeping a cage around that heart of yours you will never be able to tell who's right. Every guy is different...it may sounds weird to you, but it is a very accurate statement. I myself stand out from most guys, and I actually want a relationship where i can grow old until im 80 In A ROCKING CHAIR, rather than being a player and not waking up happy! :)

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