Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WOMEN: girls love dolls?

First thing that comes to mind when you wonder what to by your little sister, girl cousin, or daughter for Christmas or her birthday??....A doll, or a barbie house...anything of that nature. This is a common stereotype that basically states ALL girls love dolls. All girls do not love dolls, but I will say the majority of girls do. As a kid a girl is sooo into their dolls, but around middle school....all of the "barbie" scene is thrown out the window. There are girls who simply hate dolls and rather play sports. I guess we call these type of girls "tomboys." Many girls who is labeled a "tomboy" is rough, don't like girl things, and rather hang out with boys. I personally know women who says they were absolutely scared of dolls when they were younger. Maybe because of the movie Chucky? who knows...but i guess it just depends on THAT person, there are some girls who keep their dolls for memories, there are some who hate dolls and have no interest in them, and of course..there are those girls who are scared of them.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MEN: Not always the Player type

There is a 100 percent chance that if you talk about "cheating" to a girl, she is most likely going to say that all guys are players, and are not to be trusted. In reality this is not true, this 'saying' or 'quote' should never come out of someones mouth, Unless you've dated EVERY guy in the world, and not ONE worked out...then yes...but other than that NO. All guys are not players, there are many passionate fellas out there roaming the universe. Maybe every woman who says that are not looking in the right locations. First off, going to the club is definitely not going to find you a guy who is not a player. Maybe if women stop searching for "the right one," and let "the right one" come to them, then they will meet a guy who isn't a player, and one who actually cares about falling in love. Ladies, I understand your heart has been played with thousands of times until the point you keep a cage around your heart with every guy you meet. But keeping a cage around that heart of yours you will never be able to tell who's right. Every guy is different...it may sounds weird to you, but it is a very accurate statement. I myself stand out from most guys, and I actually want a relationship where i can grow old until im 80 In A ROCKING CHAIR, rather than being a player and not waking up happy! :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

WOMEN: Bathroom Hog

This is a 100% true stereotype...we ALL know how our women in the world is when it comes to BATHROOMS. Yes, women love to make sure everything is perfect before even attempting to leave the bathroom in the morning, and at night. Us men have NO clue what women do while their in the bathroom, they're probably brushing each tooth for 5 minutes each or brushing each strand of hair! Although keeping your hygiene on point isn't a bad thing, let the men have some time in the bathroom PLEASEEEE. I don't know which is worst, women hogging the bathroom in the morning or at night. In my opinion, i think the morning is worst for the men, being that in most situations, the 'MAN' always have to leave early for work after eating a delicious breakfast cooked by his wife or girlfriend. We love our women, oh yes we do...but the number one question is do women love us (men) as much as they love hogging the bathroom?!....I'll let the women answer that.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

MEN: Do all men enjoy Working on Cars?

Of course, when you think of a man and his car, you would know that 'MEN' love their cars, BUT..it doesn't necessary mean they 'enjoy' the dirty work that comes along with having a car. In today's world, mostly everyone think that men enjoy working on cars. This stereotype kind of relates to the "all men love engineering and being mechanics." Although working on cars may be a hobby to some men, not ALL men enjoy doing so. There are some who don't have a clue on knowing how to fix a car, or anything that relates to that matter. Some men rather just take it to the shop to have it service rather than working on it. In the past Most men used to fix on their own car, but as the days, years, and decades past....more shops were starting to open, and most people started to get lazy. You probably will only find a handful of men who enjoy working on cars, but other than that...this stereotype is negative.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

WOMEN: Lightweights

Many people think the reason why women are lightweights when it comes to alcohol beverages is because of body size. According to researchers, the real reason why women can't hold their liquor as well as men is because men & women have VERY different water to fat ratios to their bodies. Men's bodies are made up of about 61 percent water, whereas women average about 52 percent. Women are also lacking in the liver department AS WELL. Specifically, they produce less of the liver enzyme dehydrogenase, which is that magical substance that converts alcohol into an inactive state and ensures you're sober by the time Monday morning comes around. Because they have less of the enzyme, women also feel the effects of alcohol much faster than men and it hits them harder. So the real reason to most people, on why women are "lightweights" are much wrong, and is clearly a stereotype simply judging by there "body frame."

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WOMEN: Hidden power, hidden strength

Who said women are not as STRONG as men? Who said woman cannot be bodybuilders, and they should leave it to men?....There are many powerful women in the world, mentally & physically. Never EVER doubt a woman's strength. Believe it are not, there isn't just men who are the abusers in unstable relationships, there are women who overpower certain men too. Women ARE just as strong as men. I mean in sports, women must have some kind of strength to obtain their obstacles, right? Gymnastics, track, and in bodybuilding you must be strong. YES, i said it...BODYBUILDING. There are so many women who are as buff as men these days. I believe those women are the ones whose trying to make a point to all the men out there who are doubting them. I know that there are stronger women out there than my skinny self. Next time you're out at the gym, don't showoff in front of the women....deep down their probably laughing because they lift more than you!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MEN: Dirty jobs? Not always

You would normally hear people say that all men do is dirty jobs. Dirty jobs such as construction, mechanics etc..Those people are most definitely wrong! Around the world, more men are starting to step outside of that "dirty job" box, and is leaning towards being models, secretaries, cosmetologists and of course teachers. I understand how this stereotype would come about because you think of a man as tough & rugged. Many men are stepping into the fashion industry these days, becoming fashion designers and runway models. Many of the "women" jobs that are floating around are some of the jobs "men" are starting to grasp.